Love is in the air. Yes it’s true. Whether it’s love for a significant other or for our double hammocks, love is in the air.
Look we aren’t dumb, we know that you know that we know card companies just invented Valentine’s Day just to sell our hammocks… but we can’t get past the reminder Valentine’s Day brings- and it’s to give and receive pink/red, sweet candy, and forgotten-bought-roses love.
So out of a love we have for all of you, we are selling our Double Hammocks at 25% off until February 14th when you enter the code “socolove” at checkout. Valentine’s Day is only 10 days away so you better hop on the double-hammocked-bandwagon quick. Cupid has his arrows, and we have our 25% percent off.
Our Double Hammock is no ordinary camping hammock either. With its dual color tone, 100% parachute nylon, and cinch buckle system, our hammocks hold up to 450 lbs of weight and bring the right amount of coziness you want for your special someone* in the perfect hammocking month of February. Look it’s going to be cold- you might want to bring someone to cuddle with… for warmth of course. Not because you like them… Debra.
As always, SOCO is giving back 10% of our sales to humanitarian non-profits. So you’re not just loving your self when you buy a SOCO. You’re loving the underprivileged around the world as well. Mmmm, so much love. We like that.
*Don’t worry single folks you're not excluded from this deal either. Why not cash in on the non-single-saps holiday? And hey, who knows, like that lady you know who bought her wedding dress before she even started dating someone, you can be a little less koo-koo and buy a double hammock for a possible future special someone. Or… just have more room to be independent.